The 2019-20 State Budget Prioritizes Children
Governor Tom Wolf signed Pennsylvania’s FY 2019-20 budget into law on June 28th, 2019. The $33.9 billion budget package was passed by the General Assembly earlier in the week and includes critical increases for programs that create positive outcomes for the children of Pennsylvania.
Many of PPC’s top priorities were funded at levels that will provide high-quality services to the Commonwealth’s 2.8 million children:
- $5 million increase for the Community-Based Family Centers line to support evidence-based home visiting services; this will serve approximately 800 additional families.
- $10 million increase for career and technical education, split between increasing student access to career and technical education centers in the Career and Technical Education subsidy line item ($7 million) and ensuring facilities have up-to-date equipment in the Career and Technical Education Equipment Grants line item ($3 million).
- $30 million increase in pre-k: $25 million increase for Pre-K Counts and $5 million increase for the Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program.
- $160 million increase in basic education funding for Pennsylvania’s public schools, driven out through the basic education funding formula.
- $50 million increase in special education funding, appropriately easing the burden of increased costs felt by local school districts.
- $30.3 million increase in CHIP funding to keep the program at current enrollment and coverage levels, as federal matching funds are reduced to their pre-Affordable Care Act levels, which was anticipated.
Click here to read PPC President and CEO Kari King’s full statement about the 2019-20 state budget.