Impact of Stimulus Funds on Kids and Families: What it Means for the State Budget
In May, the U.S. Treasury released federal guidance on how state and local governments can use funds from the American Rescue Plan or ARP.
Watch PPC Communications Director Carolyn Myers below explain what this means for children and families in Pennsylvania, and how it fits into the state budget puzzle nearing its June 30th deadline.
Take a look at our presentation that includes the essential elements of the ARP by policy Area and the next steps for the proposed American Jobs Plan and the proposed American Families Plan within the Biden Administration's federal budget. Click here
Critical Investments We’re Advocating for in the 2021-22 State Budget
In the months since Gov. Wolf’s budget proposal in February, PPC staff have been working with policymakers and our partners across several statewide advocacy coalitions to ensure the FY 2021-22 state budget includes investments in programs that we know help children and families. These include high-quality child care and pre-k, evidence-based home visiting, and career and technical education.
With the June 30th deadline fast approaching, we’re pleased to share informative summaries of how PPC is working to build better futures for kids in the state budget, brought to you by members of our team.
The House and Senate are in session for the next month until the budget passes, so stay tuned for further updates from PPC on the latest activity in Harrisburg.