Data from the 2020 Childhood Lead Surveillance report from the Pennsylvania DOH showed the rate of children with elevated blood lead levels to be about 4.65. This is a rate two times higher than children poisoned in Flint, Mich., at the peak of the city’s crisis, according to a recent statement from the Lead-Free Promise […]
Report: Pa. kids show elevated blood levels at more than twice the national rate | Wednesday Coffee
An alarming 5 percent of Pennsylvania children have elevated levels of lead in their blood at more than two times the national rate, a newly released study has found. The research, from JAMA Pediatrics, a peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association, puts Pennsylvania in the company of just six states nationwide with such dangerously high blood […]
Press Release: Pa’s uninsured rate increased, 8th highest number of uninsured kids in the nation
Pa’s uninsured rate increased, 8th highest number of uninsured kids in the nation Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC), the only statewide advocacy organization with a public policy agenda that spans the life of a child prenatally through adulthood, today released the 2020 State of Children’s Health Care Report. “No child should be without health insurance […]
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
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Happy #KinshipCareMonth! Kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of a child by a relative, either by blood or marriage, and can include informal connections that are not legally related but have a positive, supportive relationship with the child or family.
“Clearly, families are being over-reported to ChildLine and don’t require intrusion of the child welfare system,” said Carolyn Myers, director of communications for Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson
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