Older youth in foster care, aged 14-21, are embarking on a journey to adulthood, transitioning out of the foster care system and onto self-sufficiency. Despite the numerous challenges they face, including trauma and adverse experiences from their childhood and adolescence, often exacerbated by child welfare system involvement, these youth demonstrate remarkable resilience. Their transition from adolescence to adulthood is a pivotal period, and the support and resources they receive significantly influence their success post-foster care.
By Subject: Child Welfare | Early Childhood Education | Home Visiting | K-12 Education | Maternal and Child Health | Prenatal-to-Age-Three
Report: 2023 State of Child Welfare – December 2023
Our 14th annual State of Child Welfare report provides a 5-year analysis of how Pennsylvania fares with practices around child safety, placement, and permanency and includes county-level data and statewide and geographic trends to improve the child welfare system. We continue to analyze racial disparity and disproportionality across the child welfare system’s population (age 0-20).
Fact Sheet: Improving Kinship Placement in Pennsylvania – September 2023
Kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of a child by a relative, either by blood or marriage, and can include informal connections that are not legally related but have a positive, supportive relationship with the child or family.
Report: 2022 State of Child Welfare – September 2022
Our 13th annual State of Child Welfare report provides a 5-year analysis of how Pennsylvania fares with practices around child safety, placement, and permanency and includes county-level data and statewide and geographic trends to improve the child welfare system. We continue to analyze racial disparity and disproportionality across the child welfare system’s population (age 0-20).
Fact Sheet: Promoting Permanency and Successful Adult Outcomes for Transition Age Youth – March 2022
Transition age youth—age 14 to 21—are older youth in the foster care system transitioning to permanency with a caregiver or aging out of the system to adulthood. Transition age youth often struggle with this life transition due to unique circumstances with being a foster child.
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Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children is dedicated to improving the well-being of PA's 2.6 million kids. We're independent, non-partisan and non-profit.
It's #NationalVoterRegistrationDay! If you recently moved, changed your name, became a citizen, or haven't already registered to vote, today is THE day to do so!
🔗Register here: https://www.pa.gov/en/agencies/vote/voter-registration.html
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Happy #KinshipCareMonth! Kinship care is the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of a child by a relative, either by blood or marriage, and can include informal connections that are not legally related but have a positive, supportive relationship with the child or family.
“Clearly, families are being over-reported to ChildLine and don’t require intrusion of the child welfare system,” said Carolyn Myers, director of communications for Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children via @PittsburghPG and @byjnanderson